Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Wishes

My Christmas wish: that I would have more time for crafts and blogging. Apologies for the lack of posts lately. In November, I started a new job, started classes for my Masters, and bought a house. I have been moving in, and just got my new craft room all settled. I have never had a craft room before, so this is fantastic! It is just a small, open room off of my kitchen. I have a sewing table, a cutting table, and a small shelf for all of my knitting stuff. I am working on organizing it all, but that is more difficult than it seems. Ever heard of a UFO? That is, an UnFinished Object or craft. Yes, well, while unpacking my boxes, I found quite a few UFOs. For example, when I was in junior high, I appliqued a Celtic knot quilt square. One square is finished. Instead of adding that to my quilt list and driving myself mad, I am going to add that to my "finishing" list and make it into a pillow. I also found lots of knit and crochet projects that are unfinished and completely confusing. Two of them I have no memory of, and I have no clue what they were supposed to be. So, another Christmas wish would be to finish some of these projects, as well as getting some organization tips for my craft room.

Since I wrote last, I have completed quite a few sewing projects (and only just begun a couple of knitting projects). I will post pictures after Christmas. I can't post them now because they are Christmas gifts. Hope everyone has a merry Christmas!